The Fundamentals
The perfect place to start your boxing journey. Get access to a proven, effective system to teach you boxing. We take great pride in working with you - regardless of your age or ability - to help you get the most out of your experience.
Contenders Boxing Classes
Boxing Fundamentals
Never boxed? Don’t worry, the Boxing Fundamentals class was designed with beginners in mind. Learn basic boxing techniques such as the proper stance, footwork, and, of course, punches. We highly recommend this class to all newcomers.

Hand Pad Fundamentals
Test your teamwork, reactions and precision of movements in this perfect intro to fighting competitively. Perfect for those looking to make there way into the ring.
Sparring Drills / Sparring Fundamentals
Now that you’ve learned how to throw proper punches, learn what to do when you're on the receiving end. This class focuses on improving the basic skills necessary to participate in sparring. A mouth guard is mandatory.