June 2021 – Roland Wood
Our Contender of The Month for June is Roland Wood. Roland has been a member of Contenders for about 9 years, and is regular to our 6AM classes. He likes to joke around, but when it’s time to work, he works hard, and he throws some killer punches! Here is our Q & A with Roland.
Q: What made you want to join Contenders?
A: I had done boxing classes when I lived in Toronto and knew what a great workout it is. I’m also inherently lazy so I need to be pushed to do exercises I don’t like…like burpees.
Q: What do you like about attending the morning classes?
A: There’s a great group of regulars in the morning which makes the workout more enjoyable. Also, I like getting my workout done in the morning. If I leave it until later in the day it doesn’t usually happen.
Q: What do you like about boxing?
A: Boxing is a great combination of co-ordination, cardio, and strength. There’s also a great deal of thinking involved, which is hard for me even when I’m not tired.
Q: What is your boxing/fitness goal you are working to achieve?
A: After nine years, I’d really like to advance beyond Beginners Boxing but so far that’s the only class I’m allowed in. (NOT TRUE!!) Boxing allows me to eat ice cream and still fit in my pants.
Q: What is your weakness you are working to improve?
A: I’m always trying to improve my cardio and coordination. My feet often don’t do what they’re told.
Q: What/who inspires/motivates you to continue training?
A: The people in morning group are great motivation. There’s been a number of individuals, over the years, who are older than me and inspire me to at least try to keep up with them. I’m also motivated by hearing the surprise in Yo’s voice when I actually do something right.
Q: What is your occupation?
A: VP of Sales for an investment company.
Q: What do you like to do in your free time?
A: I try to get out scuba diving a few times a month. I also enjoy walking the seawall and hanging out with friends.
Q: Tell us something most people don’t know about you.
A: Sounds like you’re trying to hack my passwords. Do you want my mother’s maiden name and the make of my first car too? I did live in Turkey for a year. Many people don’t know that.
Q: What is your advice for those who are thinking of joining Contenders?
A: I highly recommend joining. Contenders has a great group of trainers that help build your skills and fitness level. It’s fun, plus punching things is a great stress reliever.
Congratulations, Roland! We hope you to see you in our advanced classes in the near future!