September 2022 – Mark Bellew
September’s Contender of the Month is Mark Bellew. Mark has proven time and time again how consistent he is with his practice over the years, and always brings an encouraging and can do attitude. Check out our Q and A with him below.
Q: Why did you start boxing?
A: Got tired of the gym and wanted to try something new to lose weight and challenge myself
Q: What was your skill level when you started at Contenders compared to now?
A: Other than watching boxing I knew nothing when I started, compared to now where I’m sparring and in advanced classes. It’s night and day!
Q: What is your favourite thing about being a Contender?
A: Boxing is an individual sport but Contenders is a family that you become part of. Not just the staff but the fellow Contenders as well. They’re in your corner metaphorically as well as in the ring.
Q: At Contenders, what is your favorite class to take? Why?
A: Advanced class, it’s a heavy workout and you learn challenging boxing techniques.
Q: How do you stay consistent with your practice?
A: Attend a minimum of 3/4 classes per week. It’s one hour of your day, it’s not easy but you get into a rhythm and it becomes a routine.
Q: How has your outlook of boxing changed over time?
A: From the outside looking in it looks like an individual sport, but it’s very much a team sport. When someone fights the entire gym is behind them. Not just the guys in the corner on fight night.
Q: What advice would you give to someone just beginning their boxing journey?
A: Don’t be nervous about knowing nothing. Everyone here started at zero, we get it. We’re not going to judge, we want to help and see you grow and improve over time. It’s a fighting sport but we are all big softies, just don’t tell the opposition that!
Q: …And lastly, tell us something people would be surprised to learn about you?
A: People are always surprised to hear outside of my 9-5, I DJ on weekends and once upon a time presented radio.