Contenders Charity Challenge

Since our inception in 2004, Contenders Boxing has sought to make positive change in our community.

Contenders Charity Challenges are by donation classes open to the general public. Each class is held for a members charity of choice, and taught like any other class but with all proceeds going to charity. If you are a Contenders Boxing member and have a charity that you would like to support, contact us via the form below and give us your pitch. We'll provide the room and equipment along with our instructors, and you simply invite the participants and collect the donations.

We may also use your suggestions for charities to fund at events we host throughout the year.

Together we can fight for those less fortunate.

Our first charity challenge for the Dugout Drop-In
Our first charity challenge for the Dugout Drop-In

Suggest a Charity

We welcome everyone who is passionate about a cause to suggest a charity that represents their cause. To do so please fill out our form linked

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