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Boxing Classes

Boxing & Fitness Classes

Choose from 25 classes each week. From learning the fundamentals in skill oriented boxing classes to having our very own amateur boxing team, you're guaranteed to find the perfect class for your fitness level. Our instructors are local, Vancouver-based, all have fight experience, and are passionate, friendly and goal driven trainers that will help you to achieve your fitness goals.

Find The Class That's Right For You

Boxing Fundamentals

If you’ve never boxed before, are new to our gym, or need to learn punches 1 through 6. This is the best way to get acquainted with the gym, its members, and our teaching style and terminology.

Training Camp

Geared towards those seeking a crossover between boxing and traditional gym exercises, training camp meshes the 2 together in a classroom environment. To take part in the class you are required to know punches 1 through 6.

Hand Pads Fundamentals

If you’re ready to move further into the competitive element of boxing and are confident in punches 1 through 6, Hand Pads will get you working with a partner as you put your skillset to the test. The class aims to work on impulses, teamwork, and technique. It is recommended that one has taken at least 10 boxing fundamentals classes prior to attending.

Sparring Drills

For those who are interested in competing down the road, or are looking to engulf themselves in the art of boxing this class takes you through the knowledge and skills needed to get in the ring to be prepared to spar opposite someone.


A mouth guard is required.

Advanced Boxing

The class is designed for those that have routinely demonstrated a high skill and knowledge of boxing, and are ready to take things up a notch. In advanced boxing you will combine skills acquired and be guided through an assortment of exercises independently and with partners.


Only for those with the intention to compete as you must be confident working with little instruction, have the ability to trust yourself in the ring, have obtained enough knowledge to adjust moves to your benefit and be prepared to get hit. It is required to be registered with Boxing BC.


Mouth guard and headgear required

What type of class are you looking for?

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