Steph Wiafe – Febrauary 2024
Congratulations to Steph Wiafe, our February 2024 Contender of the Month! Steph is a woman of many talents with boxing being just one of them. We love her go getter attitude she brings to the gym, and the encouragement she brings to other members! Check out our Q&A with her below.
Q: Let’s start with a little introduction. Who is Steph? What are your hobbies, what do you do for work, and/or choose anything else you would like to share?
A: I am an Epidemiologist who has studied a range of epidemics from the Ebola virus outbreak, to COVID-19, and most recently the overdose crisis. I am originally from Ontario and have lived in several cities around the world. Growing up, I was an elite gymnast, so the routine and mentality of learning a sport are foundational part of exercise and fitness for me. I moved to Vancouver in 2021 and fell in love with the mountains, ocean, and forests all in one place. In my spare time, I am a human rights writer and activist. My hobbies include cooking, paddle-boarding, hiking, backcountry camping, swimming, and any activity that gets me outside!
Q: So, how long have you been boxing and what got you started in this sport?
A: I started boxing when I was living in Melbourne, Australia in 2017. I was new to the city and wanted to try out a new sport and I fell in love with the mental and physical challenge of boxing. During the peak of COVID-19, boxing was an easy high-reward exercise to keep up at home. When I moved to Vancouver and joined Contenders, my love for the sport grew even more!
Q: We know you’ve also brought a good number of friends to the studio during your time as a member. How do you find group exercise strengthens your friendships?
A: I love exercising with friends, they are a source of motivation during the workout and I build deeper bonds and connections with friends through exercising. In addition to myself, most of my friends work in public health / medicine, so taking care of our physical and mental health are really important to us.
Q: Could you share a few words about the coaching/coaches at Contenders, and how it’s been training under them?
A: The coaching and the Coaches at Contenders are phenomenal. From my very first class, I felt welcomed and valued as a member. I’ve learned so much from each coach and I always appreciate the potential they see in myself and the other members. They challenge us and encourage us along the way, which is the perfect balance.
Q: How do you stay consistent and motivated with your practice?
A: Since joining Contenders, I’ve found that boxing has been meditative for me. Though it is a high intensity sport, I find myself in a flow state when boxing, where I’m completely present in the moment. That feeling has been my source of motivation and consistency.
Q: What is your favourite class to take and why?
A: My favourite class is hand pads, hands down! I love the cardio challenge, working with a partner, working on long combos, and getting a ton of boxing out of the class.
Q: What is something you want to accomplish by the end of the year?
A: I am always looking to improve my cardio health, so by the end of the year, I hope to have accomplished going to back to back classes.
Q: …And lastly, tell us something surprising about you?
A: Since moving out to the west coast, I have fallen in love with cold water swimming. One of my goals for 2024 is to swim in the ocean 100 times!