Geoff Cooper, or ‘Coop’ as most members call him, started training at Contenders in 2015 with no intentions on a career in fitness. After a major lifestyle shift he is now certified as both a personal trainer and health coach and works with a variety of clients. Geoff started covering classes in the boxing gym in 2020 and now runs our circuit training camp on Saturday mornings. He has a particular interest in using fitness to support mental health and working with clients looking to make their own changes in lifestyle and general well being. Outside of the gym he can often be found paddleboarding or running the trails in Stanley Park.
How did your personal boxing journey begin?
I signed up for a trial membership at contenders in 2015. I was very unhealthy at the time and looking to make a change; needless to say it was one of the best decisions I ever made.
What is your approach like when it comes to teaching?
I’ll always take two perfect push ups over ten bad ones. To achieve a really high level of fitness or athleticism, you have to start from a solid foundation and build upon that. I’ve also of course learned a lot from past and present instructors like Kevin, Richard, Sebastian and Yo so you’ll see shades of their influence in whatever I’m doing.
What is the biggest takeaway you want people to have from your classes?
I try to have something in every class that people may not have thought they were capable of doing. When we put our head down and just do our best, we’re usually able to achieve far more than we thought was possible.